Saturday, August 29, 2009


Feel boring these days. I've nothing to do. So just grabbed some tags from others. Sorry. gomen! I dreamed about Arashi this morning. Gosh! I didn't know why. Just randomly dreamed it. I forgot what the dream was about. You know for some people, dream can be forgotten after you wake up. Anyway, still glad that I can dream about them. LOL. I talked with AIBA, then SHO, then OHNO. XD I didn't dreamed about NINO & JUN. =X Back to reality. The chemistry comic i gave up! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. Let's start the tag now.

The following question duplication, pastes, in you want on tag notes. All answers will alter to you, then tag the human who knew for you, including sends
this letter for yours person.
What this theory needs saying that you will understand your friend many unknown all sorts ......

Starts this time: 10.44am
Your full name: Yong Sze Yen
Whose song now are you listening to: None.
Where are you at to study (work): Don't know.
Wears the contact lenses: Nope.
On previous secondary date cake candle's number: ...
Domestic any pet: I don't have any pet
Constellation: Scorpio
Has more than several ear holes: right 2, left 2
You have the thorn to be blue: no way.
You like your present life: Not very.
Has unrequited loved more than several individuals: no
Has to the person public statement experience: no
Does not dare the thing which eats: No.
Most likes eating any thing: aisukurimu =]
Most likes drinking anything: Tea , juice, bubble tea
Most likes color: black
Most likes digit: 10
Most likes movie: Angel & Demon
Which one kind of movie type likes looking at: romance, tragedy, happy ending
Most likes cartoon character or brand: Can i put Usui in?
Most fondly remembers day: None at the moment.
Most sad experience: No.
Most wants to say to human: save the world! XD
Most regretted matter: Stealing. (long time long time ago)
Most likes the week several: Saturday.
Which season most likes spring, summer, fall and winter: WINTER!!!
Likes flower: don't know.
Likes movement: uhm...
Has competed compared to which has wins a prize: when i was young. X)
Likes ice cream type: Vanilla
Most fears any thing: Cockroach
If will have next life: like L said "Change The World" XD
Does repugnantly matter: Ah?
Dislikes others to make anything: Lying.
Matter which excels: haha.. *shake head
Has had thought must commit suicide: Once.
The bedroom rug is any color: Brown
Later wants to make any occupation: yep.
Your family has how many level/your family to live in several buildings: You mean generation?
You believe fishily: Huh?
You think the ten years later in where: don't ask me future quesions.
Bored time you mostly make anything: Internet.
In world most irritating matter: Angry, mad
World best matter: Soaring high like a bird. =D
How thinks the homosexuality: .......
If some people misunderstand you, does not listen to your explanation: Go away!
Has had thought how can cope with your repugnant person: what?
You thought that your other half helps you to pay money is natural: He's a guy. So he has to pay.
You minded that pays money for your other half: I don't mind as long as I've many cash. Ya know.. XD
Usually several spots go to bed sleep: listen to the music
Now most inferred at heart who is the human: no one.
Ideal several year old of marriage: Headache
Today the mood: Headache (because of these questions)
Most hoped that who replies in writing: No one.

Oh my! what kind of tag is this? It makes me headache!
tag to --> Winnie, Mandy, Yvonne, Irys

Don't do if you don't want to. these questions I don't know what to say. maybe the english was...uhm...don't know ah!


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