Tuesday, December 30, 2008

PMR results..
2day went 2take pmr results..haiz..not good..nothing to shout about..XP
ask me if u want 2noe i got how many As..
Little words pls dun mind..lazy to post..XD

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

(1) 被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷。
(2) 请老实地回答每一个问题。
(3) 不行擅自涂改题目。
(4) 写完请点8位小朋友,不可不点。
(5) 点完后请通知那8位小朋友他被点到了。
(6) 那8位小朋友填完问卷,必须把问卷寄回- 给你填问卷的人。
--------------[一] .个人题-10题--------------
[01] 你叫什么: 杨子欣
[02] 你的绰号: 欣欣,星星
[03] 你的血型: O 型
[04] 你的星座: 天蝎座
[05] 你是男孩是女: 女啦
[06] 你几岁: 15 歲
[07] 你住哪里: 蒲種
[08] 你现在的学校: SMK Seksyen 3 Bandar Kinrara
[09] 你有没有手机: 当然有啦
[10] 承上,那是多少: 我不知道呀
--------------[二] . 朋友题-10题--------------
[11] 你最要好的朋友(限1个): 敏敏啦 (对不起噢 各位亲爱的朋友...)
[12] 你最讨厌的人(限1个): 我妹妹...
[13] 你最正的女性朋友(限1个): 这个年龄没有吧
[14] 你最帅的男性朋友(限1个): 还没有...
[15] 什么样的女生你最讨厌: 撒娇滴,扮可爱...
[16] 什么样的男生你最讨厌: 胆小鬼,小气鬼...
[17] 你的好朋友有谁(不限): 敏敏, 雯洁, 臆文, 凯玲,如昀,嘉雯... (想不到了耶..)
[19] 你身边最憨的朋友(限1个,不能自己): (想着)...
[20] 你身边最可爱的朋友(限1个): 每个都可爱~
--------------[三] . 感情题-15题--------------
[21] 你有没有喜欢的人: 目前为止都没有
[22] 如果有,那她叫什么: 魔王..(开玩笑的)
[23] 如果没有,那你希望什么时候有另一半: 慢慢等..
[24] 到目前为止,你跟多少人告白过: 有我也忘了吧?...
[25] 到目前为止,你被多少人告白过: 可恶...一次都没啦...很烦耶
[26] 到目前为止,你交过多少个男/女朋友: 沒有啊
[27] 你现在有另一半吗:没人告白怎样有另一半啊?
[28] 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你会怎样: 不知所措..
[29] 你初恋情人突然跟你告白你会接受吗: 大致上会吧?因为都说明是初恋情人啊
[30] 你为什么会喜欢你现在喜欢的人: 因为...
[31] 你跟你的另一半牵手过吗: 没啪托又怎会牵手啊?
[32] 你跟你的另一半抱或亲过吗: 没有
[34] 是谁,你们什么关系: 没有谁..关系简直差的不得了
[35] 现在有人在追你吗: 有我也不知道吧?
--------[四] . 混合题-10题--------------
[36] 如果有天,好朋友离你而去,你会怎样: 不舍得...
[37] 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你会怎样: 一刀两断...断绝关系
[38] 如果有天,好朋友对你喜新厌旧了,你会怎样: 就让他吧
[39] 如果你很受不了你的父母,你会离家出走吗: 不会吧?虽然我有想过
[40] 你上课认真吗: 还好...看什么科目吧
[41] 你上课都在做什么: 听课, 发白日梦, 画画.....
[42] 你功课好不好: 中等...
[43] 你打开电脑都在干嘛: 上网, 看日本动通, 下载歌啦......
[44] 你的即时通里有多少个同性: 算不到
[45] 你的即时通里有多少个异性: 算不到
--------------[五] . 凶手题-10题--------------
[46] 传给你这份问卷的人是谁: 蔡慧敏
[47] 这个人对你好不好: 好的不得了
[48] 这个人是你的谁: 死党
[49] 你有喜欢过这个人吗: 嗯..性格上
[50] 你们认识多久了: 大概两年多了吧?
[51] 这个人是怎样的人: 非常好心肠的人
[52] 这个人正/帅吗: 非常噢~你要去看她吗?
[53] 这个人有没有喜欢过你: 不知耶...
[54] 这个人跟你有没有在一起过: 学校聊天啊.. 怎了?
[55] 万一你喜欢这个人,你会怎么办: 我不会搞同性恋...况且我又不是啦
-------------[六] . 联想题-10题-------------
[56] 说到正妹你会想到谁: 每个女生
[57] 说到帅哥你会想到谁: 山田凉介...赫赫~
[58] 说到憨你会想到谁: 想着...
[59] 说到痴你会想到谁: 政业...
[60] 说到暗恋你会想到谁: 想不出.....
[61] 说到出去玩你会想到谁: 朋友.....
[62] 说到聪明鬼你会想到谁: 雯洁.....
[63] 说到傻子你会想到谁: 政业....
[64] 说到笑点低你会想到谁: 我自己吗?
[65] 说到爱笑你会想到谁: 也是我吗?....
-------------[七] . 学校题-10题--------------
[66] 你的班导是谁: 今年是雯雯....明年还不知道耶
[67] 你的座位是第几排第几个: 第一排,第二行....明年还没分配噢
[68] 你最喜欢的老师是谁: 华人老师....
[69] 你的英文好吗: ok啦...
[70] 你的体育好吗: 还好
[71] 你的数学好吗: 不好....
[72] 你喜不喜欢你的校长: 不爽....
[73] 你的学校好看吗: 有什么好看?....
[74] 你的班级是: 忘了....
[75] 你的班级在几楼: 三楼....是吧?
--------------[八] . 点名题-8题----------

1. 梁雯洁
2. 陈臆文
3. 吴优丽
4. Jessie

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sometimes...i really hate those hell games. The friends in one of those games (should not be frens actually) are stupid and HENTAI!!!

The ways they ask~

-How old are you?
-Do you have a bf?
-Can i ask you some personal question?
-Do you know what is sex?...
*(omg!!!!!!!!!!!!) yeah..Don't mention.
-have you do it b4?
-Do you want me to teach you?
*No!!!!!! I say no..get off of me now...

After the conversation, i put him into my BLACKLIST#

Tell you what i felt. I felt very disgusting. I wanted to vomit by that time. Those stupid hentai!!!!
If i meet him again, i'm going to kill him. Unlucky day... since that I realize... I'll beware

Friday, December 5, 2008

Stupid Boys...

Sry i didn post for so long. And my promise are gone too.. Haha~ cuz I lazy to post those Guilin's pic. So sorry. Saying about yesterday, it was really funny. Because someone confessed feelings to me without knowing me. He asked for my msn in a game. So i gave him cuz i thought that he just wanted to chat, that's it. The things that we thought, it's like so easy but actually it's hard. He asked me where I stay. It's not important that where I stay right? Then he said can he loved me. Lolz..I bursted into laugh. It was really funny. Will you love someone when you don't even know who they are?? I won't. I'm 15. He's 16.

And just today, me and my friends went to school to help teachers. my friend told me that someone disturb her with messaging. I called her to give me the guy's phone number. Then i started to ask him. I asked him why did he bully her. He said I don't need a friend like you. (Didn't even answer my question!) Then i continue asked something. Now I forgot what did I asked. I just remember one sentences. Here I want to tell my friend~ He said "I'll treat her like a princess".~

Here's what i should advice you, my friend~Pls beware of
him. Although he said he likes you but remember what you said to me before? You said boys couldn't be trusted. Remember? But this time..I think you'll beware. Cuz I know you well. Haha~

Monday, November 24, 2008

2more days..

Woa..i am going to fly..yes..i am going to FLY..but not to the sky..to somewhere i am going to travel..although the flight is in morning 3am..<---(quite early though)..but it is exciting cuz i am going there to experience those phenomena and environment..cold weather, waterfall, lake, animals.........can't wait to watch these..the other things..pls wait till i come back..
n i will post photos too..lol..

Friday, November 14, 2008


UPSR result yesterday....my sis got 4As 3Bs....i m not satisfied..how could he hv the same level with me???...bt...nevermind...shlye still hav PMR SPM..(evil laugh)...i miss the volunteer job...(i-i).
that sunway pyramid comic fiesta wanted to find volunteer...gah!!!...i want to join...but i lost a chance now...nvm...next year i SURE will JOIN!!!...yes...sure...2more days...going to Times Square with my friends cuz there having comic fiesta too..(jumping over the moon)...going to take monorail...
So long didn take monorail..actually not long...is didn take b4!!!...i must take...hahahaha...
i'll post some pics when i go 2times square n when i m taking the monorail...will also...of course...snapping my fren would be fun too...^^

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Holidayz...

so so so ....boring...tuition started...just like i thought...it was pretty hard for me...
haiz...how bout anime?...hold on...Special A..(finished)...Ouran High School Host Club..(finished)..now what?...tantei gakuen Q also finished..now...watch Nabari No Ou...Gah!!!!...always tell my fren want 2watch...bt at the end i didn finish the whole Nabari...7Episodes to watch more...any nice anime 2introduce?...games also ned dl...
duno wat 2do...
take me go out for fresh air or shopping or watever la...>.<

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Special A...

Special A
When Hikari was little, she and her father liked to watch pro wrestling, and she became very good at it. She was the pride of her family until one day she was introduced to Kei, the son of her father's friend. He instantly defeated her in wrestling, and started what would become Hikari's major ambition to one day beat him. To do this she enrolled in Kei's school, an ultra elite school that costs her father a lot of money. This unusual school created classes according to grades, and the top seven students become members of the "SA". They have their own building, and can optionally attend class. Hikari is usually the only one who does so, since she desperately wants to beat Kei with test scores. The members of the "SA" have been close friends since their first year.
Hikari Hanazono
Info:Hikari is the protagonist of the story and is ranked 2nd in the school. She is energetic and kindhearted, but rather dense when it comes to love. She is the daughter of a carpenter. When she was six years old she experienced her first defeat and humiliation when she lost to Kei Takishima in a pro-wrestling match. In order to beat Kei, Hikari convinced her father to allow her to attend Kei's prestigious elite school and strives to defeat Kei at anything, from academics to athletics.
Kei Takishima
Info:Kei is Hikari's rival and holds the 1st position in the entire school. He is good at everything he does and is always a smooth winner. He is the son of the CEO of Takishima Corporation. Kei has been in love with Hikari since they were children, but Hikari is too dense to realize his feelings for her. He maintains a stoic and cool facade most of the time, except for when Hikari is in trouble.
Jun Yamamoto
Info:Jun is ranked 3rd in school and is the son of a music producer and a talented vocalist. He is a nice guy and is usually quiet like his sister. Both he and his twin sister, Megumi, seem to lack musical talent, and have an odd attachment with Ryuu. Like Megumi, he is very possessive of Ryuu and seems to worry Ryuu as much as he worries about the two of them. It is uncertain whether or not Jun or Megumi have the ability to win against Kei since they never really make the effort to do so, especially if it involves any tedious or boring activity.
Megumi Yamamoto
Info:Megumi holds the 4th position in school and is the older twin sister of Jun. She and her brother are very close to Ryuu, whom they have known since they were children. Megumi is generally quiet and refuses to speak in order to protect her throat for singing. She communicates with others by writing down whatever she wants to say in a sketchpad. She speaks only when she is deeply upset, with fairly devastating effects when this occurs.
Tadashi Karino
Info:Tadashi ranks 5th in school and is the son of the school's director. He suffers from a bit of wanderlust, likes to travel alone and do whatever he wants or sees fit. He enjoys eating sweets, especially food made by Akira. He seems to end up as the character most comically attacked (frequently by Akira and Kei) because of his careless comments or reckless behavior.
Akira Toudou
Info:Akira holds the 6th position in school and is very fond of Hikari. She often will not do anything unless Hikari also wants to do it. She loves afternoon tea and is very fond of cute girls. Akira apparently loves Tadashi, and she never seems to hold back when hitting him. She is the daughter of the owner of an airline company.
Ryuu Tsuji
Info:Ryuu ranks 7th in the entire school cohort. He is the son of the CEO of a sports company and one of his family's clients is Yahiro's family. He is an animal lover and is very good at handling children. The twins, Megumi and Jun, are unusually close to him, because they have been together since childhood. It is hinted that perhaps he is smarter than 7th place, but spends the majority of the time during exams worrying about Jun and Megumi, who tend to become bored or sleep during tests.
Other Characters
Yahiro Saiga
Info: A carefree young man with a sinister side, Yahiro has known both Kei and Akira since they were children.Yahiro attends Kokusengakuen, another high school, and is the heir to the Saiga Financial Group, a group that is even higher in status than the Takishima group. When he was young, Yahiro had no friends, for the most part because his attitude prevented him from making anyone smile or laugh and made them cry instead.
Sakura Ushikubo
Info:Sakura is the daughter of the head of Ushikubo Medical Manufacturing Group and is Kei's first marriage meeting partner to appear in the series. While she does not consider Kei her type, describing him as a "devil king", she considers him a possible marriage partner because his abilities would be advantageous to her family's business. Sakura hates dishonest people with a passion, and her family's motto is centered around honesty and punishing/loathing dishonest people. Sakura falls in love with Jun at first sight, as he fit her ideal of someone who was a "prince", and accepted his split personality.
Aoi Ogata
Info:Aoi is a junior secretary of President Takishima, Kei's grandfather, and is nineteen years old. He has a cold and calm character, and has always been expressionless, not smiling even once. Aoi initially appears when he is sent to Japan from London, on orders to convince Kei to transfer to London, which had been planned by Kei's grandfather. When Aoi discovers what is causing Kei to hesitate, Aoi tries to eliminate the problem: Hikari. Afterwards, he realizes that he should not pressure Kei into the situation that he is not ready for and also realizes that he is most at peace when he sees Hikari and Kei smiling.
Sui Takishima
Info:Sui is Kei's younger brother and resembles a younger version of Kei.Sui feels very inferior to his brother, who is good at everything, he believes that he cannot reach Kei's level and he refuses to take his studies seriously. However, when he sees that even his "perfect" brother can become desperate and caring, Sui develops a huge brother complex. Sui likes to call Hikari "Stupid Girl", but approaches her frequently when he thinks that Kei needs help.
I've finally used 6hours finish watching this show...=.=

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pandora's Heart

Pandora's Heart 潘多拉之心

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Yukan Club...#

This is the Yukan Club...just finished watching...
Shochikubai Miroku (Akanishi Jin) is the son of a police commissioner (father) and also a traveller (mother). Miroku has lots of connections and is a very good fighter. His interest is his motorcycle.
Kikumasamune Seishiro (Yokoyuma Yu) is the rich son of a large hospital. He also fights as well as Miroku. He is a good fighter with smarts.
Bido Granmarie (Taguchi Junnosuke) is the son of a Swedish ambassador. He's also a playboy, dating many girls at once. Granmarie can't see himself going steady because he thinks the world can't handle it.
Kenbishi Yuri (Minami) is the rich daughter of a world-renowned president of the Kenbishi Business. She loves to indulge on eating. She's also a good fighter, but can never beat Seishiro.
Hakushika Noriko (Kashii Yu) is the daughter of a famous japanese painter (father) and her mother is from a tradition tea ceremony family. Her only hate is men and can get very violent when they touch her.
Kizakura Karen (Suzuki Emi) lives with her mother, a rich jewel dealer. Her dream is to marry into a rich family using her attractive body and style.
Together, they formed the Yukan Club, solving mysteries to pass time.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What A Day...

What a day....today was a boring day...nothing special...wanted to make sushi but the time...haiz...so many activities breakin in to my life...god...2more weeks have tuition again with success...KAH MAN!!! when do u wanna pay the fees?...i cant wait anymore...
why life so boring?...better kill myself now...finished watching yukan club...what a nice show...hope to see akanishi jin in his next show...lol

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mayonaka No Shadow Boy

こっち向いてよ チェリーそっちじゃない チェリーいつでも願いは 届かないあっちこっちに チェリーどっちつかず チェリー名前を呼ばれて 揺れ惑う真夜中のカウボーイになって君を君をを奪いたいその笑顔 守るために命懸けてもかまわない好きなんだ チェリー嘘じゃない チェリー想いはつのっていくばかりちょっと来てよ チェリー待ってるから チェリーつるんとしている その素肌嫌だよ 触らせたり無邪気に他人に媚びちゃ甘くてすっぱいとこ残しておいて (シャドウ)真夜中のカウボーイになって君に君に伝えたいもし君が望むのならどんな場所へもつれて行くこっち向いてよ チェリーそっちじゃない チェリーいつでも願いは 届かないあっちこっちに チェリーどっちつかず チェリー名前を呼ばれて 揺れ惑うダメだよ 安売りしちゃ焦らして勝負しなきゃ丸くて真赤な頬もったいないよ (シャドウ)真夜中のカウボーイになって君を君をを奪いたいその笑顔 守るために命懸けてもかまわない真夜中のカウボーイになって君に君に伝えたいもし君が望むのならどんな場所へもつれて行く傷つけずに 愛したい傷つけずに 愛したい

kocchi muite yo Cherrisocchi jaa nai Cherriitsudemo negai wa todokanaiacchi kocchi ni Cherridocchi tsukazu Cherrinamae wo yobarete yuremadoumayonaka no kaboi ni nattekimi wo kimi wo ubaitaisono egao mamoru tameniinochi kakete mo kamawanaisuki nanda Cherriuso jyanai Cherriomoi wa tsunotteiku bakarichotto kite yo Cherrimatteiru kara Cherritsurun to shiteiru sono suhadaiya da yo sawara setarimujyaki ni hito ni kobichaamakute suppai tokonokoshite oite (SHADOU)mayonaka no kaboi ni nattekimi ni kimi ni tsutaetaimoshi kimi ga nozomu no naradonna basho e mo tsurete yukukocchi muite yo CHERRYsocchi jaa nai CHERRYitsudemo negai wa todokanaiacchi kocchi ni Cherridocchi tsukazu Cherrinamae wo yobarete yuremadoudame da yo yasuuri shichajirashite shoubu shinakyamarukute makka na hohomottainai yo (SHADOU)mayonaka no kaboi ni nattekimi wo kimi wo ubaitaisono egao mamoru tame niinochi kakete mo kamawanaimayonaka no kaboi ni nattekimi ni kimi ni tsutaetaimoshi kimi ga nozomu no naradonna basho e mo tsurete yukukizutsukezu ni aishitaikizutsukezu ni aishitai

look over here, Cherrynot over there, Cherrymy wish never reaches youover here and there, Cherryit's unclear, CherryI call your name, shaken and puzzledBecoming a midnight cowboyYou, I want to snatch you awayTo protect that smileI'd risk my lifeI like you, CherryIt's not a lie, CherryMy feelings are just getting strongerCome here for a bit, Cherry'Cause I'll be waiting, Cherryyour skin, it's so smoothI hate it when they touch you(1)You naively let people flirt with you.(2)leave that sweet and sour part of you behindBecoming a midnight cowboyYou, I want to express to youThat, if you were to ask for itI'd take you anywhere. (Shadow)look over here, Cherrynot over there, Cherrymy wish never reaches youover here and there, Cherryit's unclear, CherryI call your name, shaken and puzzledI can't just let you go(3)I'd be annoyed if I hadn't put up a fightIt'd be a waste of your round and bright red cheeks (Shadow)Becoming a midnight cowboyYou, I want to snatch you awayTo protect that smileI'd risk my lifeI like you, CherryIt's not a lie, CherryMy feelings are just getting stronger

Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Blog

Hi...this is my new blog...
old blog hv some problem...duh...stupid web still nt working..
hate 2say it...lol...anyway...i enjoy this blog...