Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Recycle Tragedy


Saw my title? LOL, don't ask me why 'tragedy' is there. :P
The first sentence popped out in my mind is RECYCLE TRAGEDY
Don't misunderstand anything alright, I didn't mean that recycle is a tragedy. :))
It only happened to me. HAHAHA

Why tragedy? Let me tell you what I saw few days ago.

 Few days ago, I was heading to the kitchen for uhh..something? Yeahh, something.
And then, when I was headed back to the living room, something caught my attention.
Yeahh, something again. LOL

This STACK of things are preparing to be recycled. Actually, I didn't really pay attention to this.
I stared at this stack of recycle newspapers for nearly 1 minute. SOSHITE...

 Did you just see what I saw that day? Seriously LOL.

Tadaaaa~ On the upper stack of the newspapers, I saw my old files. I seriously widened my eyes that time like O.O I was like, err, look so familiar, who the hell put this thing here?
My Hey! Say! Jump (if you know who is that. It is a japanese boy band. :D ) was on the recycle stack! LOL, I guess I was the one who recycle those papers. :X SO SORRYYYYY    DX

And then and then, the worst part was I found out that Yama-chan's face smeared already! 
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! I remember the stain, long long time ago already.
But it became larger. Sorry, Yama-chan. I am an useless fan. And yeah, his fans will kill me. :X hahaha, this is why I call it recycle tragedy. :P


Winnie C said...

The picture- The file!! The whole file! It's empty right? o.o

Anne S.Yen said...

It's empty! LOL,
but the 'smear' thingy, it was like don't know how long ago ady. LOL, remember eh?